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  • East Lothian Courier

Volunteers give nursery garden a tidy

North Berwick Nursery Garden Tidy

MORE than 50 people turned out for a garden tidy at North Berwick Nursery. As well as giving the garden a spring clean, volunteers created some new outdoor features, designed to create a fun and healthy environment for the children.

Some of the work undertaken included creating ceremony barrels at the height of nursery children so the can explore smells, sights, sounds, tastes and feel of plants, a trained willow den with hedgehog hotel and highway, and a vegetable and fruit growing area.

The plans were created and managed by Karen Taylor and Dugald Scott, of Fidra Home and Garden Services, as well as Susie Coupar, a garden designer and planting planner based in North Berwick.

Alison O'Malley, class teacher at North Berwick Nursery said: "The boys and girls discovered that they have ideas that they can bring to life, and this really helps build confidence and self-esteem. The designs hope to encourage children to explore their senses as well as their physicality and help them learn about the outdoors."

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